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United 4 Housing - "Blueprint for Housing Investment for the Next Mayor of NYC"

As members of Housing 4 All the Interfaith Assembly and New York State Council of Churches helped to produce a "blueprint for housing investment" for the next mayor. We will continue to engage faith leaders in efforts to promote this comprehensive housing agenda for NYC and engage our newly elected Mayor, Comptroller, Public Advocate and City Council Members in developing and implementing effective and sustainable affordable housing and homelessness policies that will serve all New Yorkers


​​Housing is a human right. Everyone should be able to live in a stable home that they can afford paying no more than 30% of their income on rent or mortgage payment. Homelessness has increased and not decreased in New York and nationally. We commit ourselves to passing laws and garnering funds to build new affordable housing while offering supports to people to live in existing housing. We recognize that addressing the housing crisis requires a multi-prong approach or both adding and retaining housing stock for all income levels but especially people making less than 30% of Area Median Income.


 Please contact Marc Greenberg (marc@iahh.org or 917-913-0098. Peter Cook (Pcook@Nyscoc.org or 508-380-8289 about joining Housing 4 All and join the conversations to shape New York's Future. We also urge you to make a request of Brendan Cheney, Deputy Director, New York Housing Conference to join the coalition at Brendan.Cheney@thenyhc.org